Welcome to my new blog!

I've been meaning to write a blog about reincarnation for a long time. I've been hesitant, however, for various reasons ... probably the main one was that I was very dedicated to my political blog, and since only a quarter of Americans actually believe in reincarnation, I was worried that writing about that might "hurt my credibility" at a time when I was trying to wake people up about the crimes and lies being flaunted right under their noses. Now I'm at the point where I honestly don't give a shit. If you don't understand by now you are being lied to by the mainstream media *constantly* and the United States has been usurped by a bunch of greedy, corrupt, pathological criminals, you're willfully being stupid. I think it was Les Visible who said there's a difference between being ignorant and stupid. Stupid is a choice, and it not only hurts you, it hurts others as well.

I almost feel like I have a responsibility to speak about reincarnation, though it might not win me any friends and I know there are more than a few people who want everyone to shut up about it. The fear of death is the most powerful weapon the "bad guys" have (and no one has more reason to fear reincarnation than they do, because karma is real). I'm one of the seemingly rare people who can remember events outside my current life as Jody Paulson, e.g. attending my own funeral. I don't just believe there is life after death, I know it. But should I try to convince others with this knowledge? I worried this wasn't my place. Besides, some people don't want to know, and I don't blame them. Skeptics might say that people who believe in past lives are deluded by wishful thinking, but I'm sure the concept has some people scared shitless. You mean I'm going to have to face the consequences of the evil shit I've done in this life? Uh, no thanks ...

I'm going to start this blog by sharing a bit of my own story, that which I'm pretty sure wasn't tainted by outside sources. I've always kind of believed in reincarnation. When I was about 7 or 8 years old, I was playing with my friends on the slide during school recess. One of the girls said as she came down the slide, "And now I'm being reincarnated as so-and-so ..." and I asked her what that word meant. She told me and I thought, "Wow, there's a name for it. That's what I believe!" I'll also mention that at this point I was constantly doodling in class (on the desk, on the paper, in books, it didn't matter) and many of the doodles I made I now recognize to be rather esoteric symbols, often associated with Freemasonry. You could say that might just be due to the ubiquitous nature of these symbols (the back of a dollar bill is loaded with them, for Pete's sake!) but I knew at the time these symbols had special meaning. Also, I used to collect comic books around that age, and on the backs of them were ads about the Rosicrucians and I knew that I had something to do with them or some other secret society in some past lifetime. Which is why I get a bit defensive when I hear people in the truth community say that all those guys are/were evil, because I know I'm not an evil person. I hate seeing innocent people get hurt. If I could have my way, everyone would be happy and loving towards each other. I personally think the Masons were infiltrated just as the early Christian church was ... and there are many people that came into the craft who had their kind and loving intentions twisted towards nefarious ends.

Anyway, when I was 12 or 13 years old, my favorite radio show was the "Thistle and Shamrock," a long-running public radio favorite featuring Celtic folk music. Some of the music is very old, and while I was listening to one of the songs I found myself mentally transported to the middle of a Celtic village. It was more like a dream than a memory in that it was pretty vivid, just like being there. I knew I wasn't really there at that particular moment, but I might as well have been, you know? As if I were in a 3-D movie. Later I had the following memory ... I was walking back from "the Lodge" (probably Masonic) with a guy who was likely my best friend at the time. He was in his early 20's and dressed in what appeared to be a European gentleman's 18th century attire, as was I. We were walking on a mostly vacant cobblestone street and having a bit of a laugh and he elbowed me in the ribs and said, "How about you, do you believe in any of that reincarnation business?" and I answered something like, "I don't know but if there is such a thing may I remember this conversation in some future life!"

Now, that little snippet is remarkable in more ways than one. First off, it's a cautionary tale of "be careful what you wish for, even in jest!" Second, it's striking to me in that it's a very "Jody" thing to say. The person that I identified with in the vision isn't just some random guy I might have channeled or something, he had the same reaction to the question I would have. I've always been interested in life's mysteries and I'm constantly thinking of ways I can test them. Hence this blog.

I've had many more "memories" after that, some I think are metaphorical, but I never stopped believing there was a grain of truth to them even as decades passed by. I'm not going to write much about those memories here, but I felt it was important to give you my first-hand account on what I sincerely believe to be one of my own past life memories before I launched into a blog about reincarnation. This is a subject that motivates and interests me at a time when just criticizing whatever the stupid cable news decides to talk about is becoming ever more pointless and depressing. I hope you enjoy my new blog!