Birthmarks and Reincarnation

What if there were physical evidence (as opposed to anecdotal evidence) proving the existence of reincarnation? Dr. Ian Stevenson provides this with his research correlating children’s past life memories with physical marks and defects they were born with in their current life.

Dr. Stevenson (who would have turned 100 this Halloween) is known as one of the premiere reincarnation researchers in the Western world. Here is the link to his well-known article on the subject: Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased Persons. He also wrote a book about it: Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect.

Here's a video involving more recent cases:

How does this lady remember the 1830's architecture of this building?

In my early 20's I took a semester off from university and lived in Scotland for about a month, by chance in Aberdeen. I passed the College of Medicine many times in my daily travels. This Australian lady's testimony is perhaps one of the strongest testaments to the reality of reincarnation I've ever seen. This segment is actually part of a series involving four hypnotically regressed women from Australia. Why she would lie about this ... I honestly can't imagine.

Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot

I read this book a few years ago. The story itself is fascinating, and in my opinion one of the strongest cases for reincarnation out there, especially involving a Western, English-speaking child. Unfortunately the book is about twice as long as it should be, heavily padded like a high school essay that's supposed to be 1,000 words but there's only 500 words worth of things to say. But you can always watch these videos ...