Gospel boy from Slovakia

Aron is 9 in this video. Look at the expression on his face! You can't teach that!

Waking up with a different accent

Everyone in the comment section agrees this is a flawless example of a Geordie accent. I wouldn't know, because I'm American. But this is clearly not a case of someone just "sounding foreign" because they elongate their vowels or whatever. This would be like the guy I met from San Francisco (who lived there all his life) and spoke with a distinctly East coast accent. Now, I'm no expert at East coast American accents, but I am an American with a pretty good ear. This guy was never diagnosed with "FAS" I'm sure, but you've got to wonder about stuff like that. It's like, did you know Creedence Clearwater Revival was from California? They were not "Born on the Bayou." FAS stands for "Foreign Accent Syndrome" and since the Staffordshire and Newcastle are in the same country it doesn't really count, but they clearly have a different accent. Could reincarnation explain something like this?

The famous case of Jenny Cockell

I'm sure I posted about her before on this blog, but not this particular video. Jenny Cockell is an interesting case because she ended up reuniting a family that broke up before she was born.

Is Past Life Regression a Case for Xenoglossy?

A woman under hypnosis spontaneously remembers the life of Jenson Jacoby, speaking Swedish, a language she never studied. From Weird World on youtube:

BABY prodigy at the piano

Gavriil Scherbenko never claimed to have a past life. Probably because he can't talk yet. This is the youngest prodogy I've ever seen. I don't see how anyone can explain how he can play the piano if there isn't some kind of conciousness that exists outside the body.

Gavriil is 1 yr, 3 months in this video: